This is the homepage of my extensive D20 homebrew. The classes, feats, skills, and rules presented are designed to be compatible with Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 content, including expansion books. It is designed to balance out the system primarily by empowering weaker classes and feats, but it is also designed to streamline the character creation process to enable newer players to more easily make strong and interesting character builds.
For experienced players, you should be able to use all of the old tricks you are familiar with. You will find that martial classes have been powered up across the board, but none of them have lost their identity. Weak feats have been buffed, and uninteresting options have been given more depth. In short, so-called "feat tax" should be less of a problem.
This site uses Bootstrap and Commonmark, but it is otherwise entirely custom made. It stores most pages as markdown files, but it stores feats, spells, maneuvers, and similarly numerous entities in a relational database. This allows for quick searching and organizing of character options, all while allowing these dynamic search results to be linked to and displayed like static pages.
The layout of this site is inspired by the fine folks behind, but it is in no way affiliated with them.
Some content presented here is derived from the d20 System, a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. All d20 content is used according to the terms of the Open Game License. Zachary Kulp and are not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in any way.